Coming in all shapes and sizes, it can be a little tricky to identify what dung beetles you have on your land.
Knowing what species are on your property will help us provide the right populations for you.
Fill in our easy-to-use, taxonomical questionnaire to find out the most likely species of dung beetles you have on your farm.
You can also send us photos or even dead beetles and we will identify them for you. This information will be entered into iNaturalist and contribute to the national mapping of species in the Atlas of Living Australia.
Bubas Bison Male
Bubas Bison Female
Digitonthophagus Gazella Male
Digitonthophagus Gazella Female
Euoniticellus Africanus
Euoniticellus Fulvus
Euoniticellus Intermedius
Euoniticellus Pallipes
Geotrupes Spiniger
Liatongus Militaris
Onitis Alexis
Onitis Aygulus
Onitis Caffer
Onitis Pecuarius
Onitis Vanderkelleni
Onitis Viridulus
Onthophagus Binodis
Onthophagus Sagittarius Male
Onthophagus Sagittarius Female
Onthophagus Taurus Male
Onthophagus Taurus Female
Sisyphus Rubrus
Sisyphus Spinipes
Contact Us!
You found out who is on your property? Contact us to learn more about that species.